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Julie Banks Lewis is a speaker for our times, she speaks about the human condition in relatable terms, engaging hearts and minds for a synergistic experience reminding us that we are all connected. Her voice is for the voiceless and those who are often unheard even when they’ve screamed and shouted. She speaks about real-life issues and bigger-than-life issues and connects the space between with compassion, interest, sharing, and love.

Pre-packaged Programs:        


Title: Critical Masses: Who Wins, Who Loses, Who Decides


Who will benefit from this program: Anyone interested in how power dynamics affect social interactions and relationships. Anyone interested in fairness, equality, and justice.


What will you learn: You will learn what it means to be critical, what power dynamics are, how they affect social interactions and relationships, how they become legitimized, perpetuated, and institutionalized, how institutions are used to maintain power systems, tools of power, answer questions of Qui bono? Who wins, Who Loses, and Who Decides, why structural inequalities exist, and why we must demand fairness, equality, and justice for all.


Continuing work for participants: Continue to question authority and official narratives, seek out avenues to become a part of “Critical Masses” and make changes where you live.


Duration: 45 min, 10-15 min. questions. Cost:  $175*


Title: Bargaining With Patriarchy: Insiders, Outsiders, and Everyone in Between


Who will benefit from this program: Anyone who has ever felt like they didn’t fit in and anyone still struggling to find their place in a diverse world.


What will you learn: The definition of patriarchy and what power dynamics are, and how they work, what it means to Belong, how inclusion, exclusion, compartmentalization, and marginalization divide and separate people. How social markers of identity based on gender, race, sexuality, age, religion, etc. are constructed to classify and position individuals and groups in American society.


Continuing work for participants:  Using what is learned continue to deconstruct social barriers and boundaries to inclusion in everyday activities in every arena of interaction.


Duration: 45 min, 10-15 min. questions. Cost:  $195*


Title: Here I Am; Now What?


Who will benefit from this program: Anyone wanting to know how they can help support the underprivileged or how they can help create social change.


What you will learn: What to do to begin being a part of improving socio-economic conditions for the Poor or to get going on whatever cause you’re interested in, how to get out of comfort zones in your head and heart, ideas on how to know and learn from others, patterns to watch out for, how to lead by allowing others to lead.


Continuing work for participants: Using what is learned continue to Support, Stand, and Speak!


Duration: 45 min, 10-15 min. questions. Cost:  $195*


Title: The Power of Us


Who will benefit from this program: Anyone who feels like the current power systems don’t care about the masses of people.


What will you learn: What the current power structures are, what they are based on, how power is wielded, how the people are controlled, how people can change, what can we change, and how do we harness the power of us?


Continuing work for participants: Continue mirror (look in) and window (look out) work, identify areas you can change and areas we can change.


Duration: 30 min, 10-15 min. questions. Cost:  $150*


Julie Banks Lewis can design a program specific to the knowledge you are interested in learning and sharing within her focus areas in the form of an interactive workshop or virtual learning session. Fees starting at $600 for a ½ day session.


An abbreviated version of each of the above speeches is available to service clubs, book clubs, women’s organizations, and non-profits, etc. for a nominal fee or can be negotiated for time with the author doing a book signing in lieu of payment.


To contact Julie Banks Lewis, please visit our contact page.

* Base rates for speaking engagements, only. Travel and accommodations have not been included. Where applicable, charges for these items will be the responsibility of the Client and billed accordingly.


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